Real-time RT-PCR

Usage example of qPCR: Ct tool.

Developed tool has been designed for Real-time high throughput data analysis, specifically for 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System (Applied Biosystems) data.
Which doesn't make it incompatible with other systems high throughput like LightCycler 480 (Roche), Rotor-Gene (QIAGEN), Opticon (BIO-RAD).

Once Real-time RT-PCR process finishes, starts the data analysis stage. Here, we present the different steps to follow for data analysis:
  1. Real-time RT-PCR fluorescent data obtention
  2. Class file creation
  3. Go to Plataforma de Bioinformàtica and then Tools --> qPCR: Ct
  4. Class file (creates in 2 setp) import
  5. Real-time RT-PCR fluorescent data file (creates in 1 setp) import
  6. Give a title to study
  7. Introduce housekepping genes
  8. Define each class with the ID
  9. Efficiency file import
  10. Analize